05.08.2024 10:46
Ukraina Mikulychin koulujen korjaus-/uudelleenrakentaminen tarjouspyyntö
Hyvät vastaanottajat,
Suomen 5 miljoonan euron tuki NEFCO:n Green Recovery –ohjelmalle kohdistetaan Mikulychin koulurakennusten korjaus-/uudelleenrakentamiseen (Butshan oblastissa). Nefco toivoo nyt tarjouksia erityisesti suomalaisilta rakennuttajilta.
Ohessa lisätietoa tarjouskilpailusta, joka käynnistyy virallisesti Ukrainan kansallispäivänä 24.8.: General procurement notice – Construction of Nearly Zero Energy School Building Project, Nemishaeve territorial community, Ukraine | Nefco
Ystävällisin terveisin,
Maria Ruuskanen
Avustava vastuuvirkamies, Ukrainan jälleenrakennus
Itä-Euroopan ja Keski-Aasian yksikkö (ITÄ-20)
Puh. +358 50 479 6442
PL 176, Laivastokatu 22 A
00023 Valtioneuvosto
Project name: Construction of Nearly Zero Energy School Building Project, Nemishaeve territorial community, Ukraine
Country: Ukraine
Sector: Energy Efficiency
Funding sources: Green Recovery Programme for Ukraine
Procurement: Works, goods and services
Notice type: General Procurement Notice
Issue date: July 2024
Estimated closing date: July 2025
Construction of Nearly Zero Energy School Building Project, Nemishaeve territorial community, Ukraine (the Project) is aiming to help to rebuild municipal infrastructure, specifically educational facilities, and, to accelerate the development of the energy efficiency, especially technical NZEB regulations in public buildings. The new building shall meet the “nearly zero energy building” (NZEB) definition in the current construction market. NZEB is a building that has a very high energy performance, while the nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby.
The main objective of the Project is for replacement of two badly damaged school buildings by one new Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) in Mykulychi village of Nemishaeve Territorial Community, Kyiv oblast. Mykulychi does not currently have a school building due to war damages and the children are relocated to schools of nearby villages and cities.
The overall budget of the Project is expected to reach 5 million EUR (exclusive of VAT).
The guidelines and object-specific requirements will be available for this Project, including inter alia, the following considerations:
- Design and construction of the buildings according to NZEB requirements;
- Arrangement of engineering systems (water, sewerage, heating, electricity, ventilation);
- Connection to external engineering networks;
- Internal works and basic (fixed) furniture;
- Green component works i.e. roof PV, geothermal heating and cooling and water saving equipment.
Tendering for contract under mentioned project is expected to begin Q3 of 2024 – Q1 of 2025. Specific invitation for tenders for contracts will be announced as it becomes available.
Tendering will be opened to firms from any country, however, the proceeds of the grant will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law or official regulations of Ukraine.
We encourage contractors to express their interest in the procurement opportunity sending an e-mail via jyrki.rautamaki@nefco.int, including the following details:
- legal name of your company;
- EDRPOU code, if applicable.
Upon receipt of your interest, a brief questionnaire tailored to gather further information about your company will be provided.